As told by Lisa Black Founder
I would love to first welcome you to my blog page, and indeed our Website that I’m so proud of, the past year has been a roller coaster to say the least right. However its so import to meditate on what we CAN achieve in life and not focus on the negative or ALL the things we used to be able to do, lets face it folks things will not be as they were, so lets all look to the future positively.
At heart I’ve always loved and I was a DIY bride (27yrs ago) however since creating my passionate hobby into a rewarding Business its helped me to really appreciate the value of investing in a Wedding Planner or Coordinator, to pull everything together for you, having that dream event be a reality, and allowing them to remove stress, and lets face it under any circumstances planning a wedding is stressful but covid-19 took things to another level.
However now I love and enjoy removing the anxiety and stress from many couples who experience the difficulty of jugging their career and a growing family, lets not forget our extended parents and those lovely in-laws that we pray remain well and safe during this time, also those building projects we have, pivoting your current career, and of course one of the biggest hurdles this pandemic has presented to families is home schooling! now that’s a subject for another time.
My amazing team at have got you and want to continue bringing all you engaged couples and those of you waiting for the “Will You Marry Me” now question, the opportunity to truly enjoy the experience of Micro Weddings and Virtual Weddings, this my dear friends is the way forward for the future. I fully understand your thinking “but I want everyone to attend” or “Micro weddings are too small”. Please don’t allow this pandemic to rob you of your wedding day but most importantly your married life. Enjoy being able to have those that you love with you in a small intimate setting a stunning restaurant, a weekend away with your intimate group in a country home, or if your really want to create a special experience I will be speaking about Pop Up Weddings in the near future, so many exciting options.
I personally wanted to welcome a dear friend Ashleigh who you will be having the privilege of getting to know and indeed gain lots of insight into so many subjects over this blog page. Having been a bridesmaid for so many friends! Ashleigh has so much experience with weddings from the inside, all the family dynamics the drama with the bridal team, the responsibilities and role’s that each one holds (or not) also a great deal of experience creating amazing themed unique weddings with her own family and of course with us at L&L Events London in the past. And most currently planning and navigating her own wedding during a pandemic!
Ashleigh was blessed to have met and married her Prince charming! CONGRATULATIONS to you both. It was just a few months ago, right in the middle of the pandemic so please enjoy the amazing journey they both had and lets learn how mind set is so important in her blog “How To Fall In Love With Small Weddings During Lockdown”. I will look forward to sharing a blog with you all soon stay safe vigilant and well.
Lisa Black